2025 SSEC Summer Day Camps

Georgia Southern University Shooting Sports Education Center
2025 Summer Day Camp Registration

Please go to cri.gs/ssecsummer for all the day camp details.  If you qualified for any advertised discounts, those discounts are done manually and takes 2-3 days to process.

The parent/guardian listed will be emailed a camp registration packet approximately 1 week prior to camp.  The packet and a copy of the student's insurance card is required to be returned via email or when the student is dropped off on their first day of camp.

Note: The online registration will end two days prior to the registration deadline.  Please call the SSEC at 912-478-7732 to register your student or to be added to the Waitlist.
Refund Policy: Refunds will be allowed prior to the registration deadline less a 15% processing fee. Refund requests will not be accepted after the registration deadline. For a refund, please submit a written request to Cassy Pelton via email at cpelton@georgiasouthern.edu.

Prices range from $125.00 to $190.00 (price depends on options selected)