MS Office Exam Voucher with Retest Fee- Statesboro Campus

MS Office Exam Voucher Fee is $95 per exam plus a $20 test proctoring fee. This voucher will provide a retest voucher, non-refundable and unable to use with other MOS exams, if the tester does not pass the exam on their first attempt.

This voucher is used for:

- Microsoft Office Specialist

For example, if you plan on taking MS Access exam and MS Excel exam, you will need to purchase two vouchers.

Remember you must schedule your exam appointment by calling the Testing Office at 912.478.5415. Testing appointments take place Monday through Friday, based on availability.

- Please bring your printed receipt with you when you come to pick up your voucher at the Office of Testing Services in Cone Hall Room 2004.

- Georgia Southern University students, please enter your Eagle ID on the next screen.

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