HESI A2 Nursing Entrance Exam

Testing Policy:

The A2 test results must be within the last 12 months to be valid. The retest can be thirty (30) days after the first exam; however, the HESI A2 can only be taken twice in a 12-month period. Physical calculators are not allowed but one is built into the test.

Elsevier Username & Password & Test Preparation:

Prior to testing, please create your username and password that will be needed to access the exam.  Go to the Elsevier website at evolve.elsevier.com.  This site has test preparation information for the exam.  Bring your username and password to the exam.  Before closing out go to your account to confirm your username.  The nursing program at Georgia Southern requires you to take Math, Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Anatomy & Physiology (A&P).  You must know prior to testing if the other nursing programs you are applying to require additional sections, which you can take during the testing period.